Evangelical Church Cape Town

Kommetjie Christian Church (KCC) is a community of people from a variety of Christian backgrounds who together seek to follow the risen and glorified Jesus and advance His message and Kingdom.

As a local community we value the sense of family and belonging, and desire to bless the broader community of the Deep Southern Peninsula.  Gathering together is a key component of Christian living, and our longing is for God to be worshiped and his words proclaimed.

All are welcome and invited to visit us and join us in the walk of faith and faithfulness.

Kommetjie Christian Church - KCC - Christian church in Cape Town

A Brief History of Kommetjie Christian Church

The foundation of the church has its origin in the work of two sisters, Casey and Emma Hendricks, who started a Sunday School in their holiday home in Kommetjie in 1933/4.  Following on this consistent work, after the Second World War the Sunday School was taken over by the Van der Poll family.  In due course, under the guidance of the van der Polls, Kommetjie Christian Fellowship was started.  In addition to Sunday School, services were conducted for the community on Sunday nights.   Various ministers and speakers from different denominations were invited to minister to the now clearly inter-denominational fellowship.  Amongst those invited were lecturers and students from the Bible Institute of South Africa in Kalk Bay.  This would be a decisive link for the fellowship, as it would shape the future course of the transformation of the fellowship into Kommetjie Christian Church.

Kommetjie Christian Fellowship purchased the Voortrekker Hall in Kommetjie in March 1981, which opened the way for the birth of a fully functioning local church, namely Kommetjie Christian Church (KCC).  Since then, the church has functioned and developed under the leadership of successive pastors: Don Nel, Emile Wolfaardt and Michael Lombard.  The unique inter-denominational ministry and community oriented nature of the church appeals to people beyond the Kommetjie community, and continues to draw members from areas such as Capri, Fish Hoek, Ocean View, Noordhoek and Scarborough.  As Kommetjie grows and expands, KCC seeks to grow and develop with it and continue to reflect the unique nature of the community by utilising various formats for corporate worship, fellowship and engagement.

Contact us to find out more about Kommetjie Christian Church – Evangelical Church Cape Town