We should all be sharing our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ but many of us find it difficult and we don’t know where to begin and what to say. Here is a helpful guideline on how to share the Gospel to assist you – we hope you find it useful.
How To Share The Gospel
God is a God who keeps His promises.
Include key aspects of the Christ event
God is a God who keeps His promises, demonstrated in sending Jesus to earth, who died for our sins, and after he was buried, on the third day God raised him from the dead.
Include a promise made by Jesus
God is a God who keeps His promises, demonstrated in sending Jesus to earth, who died for our sins, and after he was buried, on the third day God raised him from the dead. This same Jesus promises you the following, “Most assuredly I say to you, he who hears my word and believes in Him who sent me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.” (John 5:24)
Tell the story of Jesus the Christ
Jesus of Nazareth is a unique man, who was sent by God to accomplish God’s purposes for the world. God sent Jesus as the promised Christ, i.e. the King of Israel who is to rule all the people of the world, having all authority and power.
As the Christ, Jesus represents all people before God, so that you may receive from God what Jesus accomplishes. God authenticates Jesus by the miracles, signs, and wonders he performed, all pointing to the truth that Jesus is the promised Christ.
As the Christ, Jesus suffers and dies on a Roman cross of crucifixion at a place called Calvary. Jesus himself is sinless, always doing the will of God, but willingly submits himself to death as your representative.
But Jesus does not remain dead! God raises him from the dead, in full human bodily form, never to die again. Hereby God irrefutably demonstrates that Jesus is the Christ, the ruler over all the world.
Jesus calls all people to change the way they think about God and respond with faith. This means you must believe that Jesus is the Christ promised and sent by God and that God raised him from the dead. To follow Jesus by faith is to entrust your life to him, and receive the promise of everlasting life, i.e. God will do for you what He did for Jesus.
Expanded version by incorporating telling the story of Jesus and Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration
The Creator God is a God who keeps His promises. He demonstrates this in sending Jesus, the Christ, the promised ruler over all, and the representative of all people. God had to act to rescue the world from His judgment on the unbelief of His Word and the rebellion against His rule. Consequently, Jesus the Christ suffered and died for our sins, even though he was sinless and always did the will of God. But Jesus did not remain dead, God raised him from the dead on the third day, in full human bodily form, never to die again! Through this, Jesus conquered sin and death and rescued people from God’s judgment. That is why Jesus can promise you, “He who hears my word and believes in Him who sent me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.” (John 5:24) Jesus shall return in the future and lead all who follow him into God’s everlasting Kingdom.
Tell the story of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration
The story of creation is the story of God the Creator and His Kingdom. God created the world good and intended it for human flourishing. All was designed for life to be lived out in God’s presence. Humans were created in God’s image, and as such God determined the purpose and design for human life. As Creator, God has the authority to hold humans accountable to fulfill the purposes for which He created humanity. The Creator gave people a place to live and a function to fulfill under His rule. God’s good intent was for people to enjoy fullness of life in His Kingdom.
Everything about life in the world changed when the people God created did not believe God would do what He says and rebelled against His instructions for life, thereby rejecting His rule over them. Instead, they set themselves up as “gods”, and pursued their own way of life in this world. The Creator judged the people for this personal unbelief and rebellion, resulting in spiritual and physical death. Consequently, all people are physically, morally, and spiritually broken. Unbelief and rebellion (sin) affect all aspects of life: relationship with God; relationship with others; relationship with ourselves; and all human relationships with creation. Simply stated, the human ability to fulfill God’s purpose is significantly hampered. The people were driven from the place God gave them to live in, facing the consequences of living life outside of God’s abiding presence, and were lost to God’s Kingdom.
God is determined to turn the evil and suffering people have caused into good. From the time God executed judgment, He spoke of and promised a rescuer who would come and remove people out from under God’s judgment. God implemented His plan to redeem the world and rescue people/sinners. God could no, would not leave people in a hopeless and cursed state. So, God Himself came in the person of Jesus. The execution of the plan culminated in the death and resurrection of Jesus. In this God acted to create a new humanity through the Christ, a humanity that are restored to His Kingdom. People are rescued by Christ through exercising faith in Christ. God’s judgment is forever dealt with through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus ascended into heaven from where he promised to return in the future, and Jesus will lead all who follow him into God’s everlasting Kingdom.
Ultimately, this means that God will bring about a new creation, which He has promised to do. God will purge the world of all evil, once and for all, with sin, death, and destruction removed forever. In the future, Jesus the Christ will return to usher in his rule of righteousness and peace over all the world. Once again, God will dwell with people in His creation in His Kingdom. Whilst we wait for the return of Jesus, he calls us to participate with him in bringing healing and restoration as a foretaste of this future Kingdom reality. Our lives in the service of Christ are like a movie trailer of what is to come when the Kingdom is fully consummated. On that day, every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord, Creator, and Redeemer. (Philippians 2:11)
We trust you found this guide on How To Share The Gospel helpful.